Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update the Outdated!! X)

Okay Okay! First thing first. Sorry for not updating the blog. Guess we're just too excited that our exam's sooooo OVER last last week xD and Holi's here FINALLY!! We need soooo much Seriously. Haha! Ohya! I wanna congratulate The BLACK and Xian for almost acing thier addmaths result among of the six of us which the other 4 (including me) FAILED! Kns! But who cares! HAHAHAHA!

And so wat if my name is snoopy?! Dude! You got your name after a cartoon show toooo! Which called 'Winnie The Pooh'! Christopher the guy's name!!!! ( main character) Sounds so sissy! HAHAHAHAHA! Even your bro's name sounds wayyyyy cooler then yours! xP

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