Sunday, December 27, 2009

Its been awhile since we've last posted something, due to exams and stuff. And now since its over and I'm bored, I'll try and post as frequent as possible.

People changes as time goes on,
to prove the statement above, I've made a few changes to the pictures that you see to the right.
I'll start off with Fatty aka EMOnster pawn, codename E not F first.Figure 3.142 : Fatty proposing to her beloved esilE.
*Note at the shining diamond ring, flowers and suit.
And also the nosebleed and drooling.

Fatty is now suffering from a strange behavior known as emotism. As shown in figure 3.142, Fatty tried to show his affection to his loved one, but was ffk-ed, stepped on, pushed over, shoved aside, cleaned, wrapped, sealed and sent to Lonely Island. This caused Fatty to morph into something we call an EMOnster, derived from EMO and MONSTER geddit? hehehehehehehehe.

What is EMOnster?
EMOnster is something that's newly discovered organism by the zetta cool person that always radiates awesomeness in every corner ; ME. hehehehehehe...
It is a state of mind that causes the user to change physically and suffer lack of attention and have a slight tendency to slit his/her own body. It is also shown to have the ability to pass this disease on to another individual. Example of this is from the case the original host of this rare symptom, Gideon Chuah which suffered from this disorder by being rejected multiple times from various females, passing the sickness to Fatty.

This is as far as I can report about this abnormal finding, as experiments are still being conducted now in order to find the true cause and effect plus the history of this tragedy. furthermore the number of cases people are morphing into EMOster are increasing rapidly as time passes on.

So to all the EMOnster out there,


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