Monday, December 28, 2009

- c h r i s c h u a - ™ [ s . w . a . d ] says:
who u like now?
faster tell me laaaaaaa

M a R k h 0 ¹² [ S.W.A.D ] says:
dun tell other ppl ah

- c h r i s c h u a - ™ [ s . w . a . d ] says:
what the..

Chris (the thin one) is nervous about CELIA???!

M a R k h 0 ¹² [ S.W.A.D ] says:
u see celia's wall now

- c h r i s c h u a - ™ [ s . w . a . d ] says:

c h r i s c h u a - ™ [ s . w . a . d ] says:
her wall got what shit?
nh also
false alamr
babi u


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Its been awhile since we've last posted something, due to exams and stuff. And now since its over and I'm bored, I'll try and post as frequent as possible.

People changes as time goes on,
to prove the statement above, I've made a few changes to the pictures that you see to the right.
I'll start off with Fatty aka EMOnster pawn, codename E not F first.Figure 3.142 : Fatty proposing to her beloved esilE.
*Note at the shining diamond ring, flowers and suit.
And also the nosebleed and drooling.

Fatty is now suffering from a strange behavior known as emotism. As shown in figure 3.142, Fatty tried to show his affection to his loved one, but was ffk-ed, stepped on, pushed over, shoved aside, cleaned, wrapped, sealed and sent to Lonely Island. This caused Fatty to morph into something we call an EMOnster, derived from EMO and MONSTER geddit? hehehehehehehehe.

What is EMOnster?
EMOnster is something that's newly discovered organism by the zetta cool person that always radiates awesomeness in every corner ; ME. hehehehehehe...
It is a state of mind that causes the user to change physically and suffer lack of attention and have a slight tendency to slit his/her own body. It is also shown to have the ability to pass this disease on to another individual. Example of this is from the case the original host of this rare symptom, Gideon Chuah which suffered from this disorder by being rejected multiple times from various females, passing the sickness to Fatty.

This is as far as I can report about this abnormal finding, as experiments are still being conducted now in order to find the true cause and effect plus the history of this tragedy. furthermore the number of cases people are morphing into EMOster are increasing rapidly as time passes on.

So to all the EMOnster out there,


Saturday, May 30, 2009


im supposed to update the blog
0173806468-dis is marks gf number
but i have nothing to say
pleas do sth stupid
i advice u to read between the lines
yes im bored

Friday, May 22, 2009

DOG's BM Are MUCHHHH Better then HUMAN!

Yess! So Dogs really have problems solving math questions
BUT at least they do know how to spell Bahasa Melayu way BETTER then humans!
Its common sense too and chris could even get wrong! OMG!!!

In BM paper 2, we kinda need to spot the tatabahasa mistake.
Example: agung merupakan ketua pentadbiran Malaysia.

Correct spelling for it in BM : Agong

Humans like CHRIS CHUA spelled: Agung (plus he thought it was the capital letter 'a' was the mistake)

Conclusion: Chris Chua has no common sense and worst then a dog!

As a friend of his, please to help him. Anyone? Suggestion to help this fella? Please suggest one in our chatbox. Your smart ideas is kindly most appreciated. Thank You! xD

P.S: Even Wan Kong get it right for this question. XoXo Gossip Dog!

Legendary Answer of the YEAR!

Ok, its been awhile since we last update. who cares?!
anyway, here's something to feed all the lifeless peoples out there.

Scene : Mod Maths Paper 2
The question asked us to plot a graph on the graph paper ( DUH OBVIOUSLY ) then they gave us a quadratic expression and solve it then draw the straight line that intersects 2 points at the curve. This is what all HUMANS would do.
Now, pure genius Mark Ho Jian Hao, dont have much time left to do his paper. Then he found out he left out this particular question. He panicked and this is usually what DOGS will do ENJOY :

If you dont understand what this is. TOO BAD.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Personal Status

Sorry for the late update for this blog... Haha... Currently our blog are dead is because some of us are no longer stressed example Chris Chua... he has been very happy lately because he is once again IN LOVE and soon to couple... So we have lost a friend from the stressed gang... Actually not only chris even mark ho jian hao is soon to couple with someone... Though not many people know about this but his tuitonmate sure does...Haha... So there goes 2 of them leaving the stressed gang... What a sad news... Still we should support mark ho and chris chua, hope they will couple as soon as possible and treat us the stressed gang a free meal!

Personal Status
Chris Chua : Single but crazy over cecelia
Chris Lim : Single (Because He only likes gorilla)
Mark Ho : Single But Very In Love with Kai Sihn
Tze Runn : Madly, deeply in love with Goh Ee Ting
Woei Juan : Single But busy kaoing someone
Shi Xian : Single (Busy eating)

Do you people realise that tze runn is missing from the list? All you need to do is highlight the whole thing then you can see where is tze runn located... Haha

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blog dead

ok... screw d blog la. its pointless. none of us are gona rave bout anythin nor will we actually "blog" about anythin. so blog dead. highlight.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blog's DEAD

The blog's DEAD!

Mark Ho Jian Kao : Busy singing "she wants to touch me whoohoo" 24/7 in class. Oh, and busy practicing his performance for TD.

Chris Lim Something Keat : IDK. studying? NO BLOODY WAY. finding a solution to lose weight i think.

Gideon Chuah Tze Runn : No idea. i think he cant find himself in the background of the blog. sesat edi

Yeoh Shi Xian : Busy eating. enough said.

Chris Chua : updating now so shuddup!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update the Outdated!! X)

Okay Okay! First thing first. Sorry for not updating the blog. Guess we're just too excited that our exam's sooooo OVER last last week xD and Holi's here FINALLY!! We need soooo much Seriously. Haha! Ohya! I wanna congratulate The BLACK and Xian for almost acing thier addmaths result among of the six of us which the other 4 (including me) FAILED! Kns! But who cares! HAHAHAHA!

And so wat if my name is snoopy?! Dude! You got your name after a cartoon show toooo! Which called 'Winnie The Pooh'! Christopher the guy's name!!!! ( main character) Sounds so sissy! HAHAHAHAHA! Even your bro's name sounds wayyyyy cooler then yours! xP

Monday, March 9, 2009

My dog Mark Ho

.... Once again, Mark posted something stupid.... as usual...
But who cares, here's another Mark!
Your lucky your mum nvr named you Snoopy!


You know what? You beat me with the lame football that has this tadika song.
I cant believe that i LOSE to that piece of crap! T.T
So as a reward! Im showing this video to you. xD

BUT you have to admit! That you're a PERVERT!!!!!! xP
Take THAT!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever I like? puh-leze!

tch... some random black dude with fake hair rapping? thats all?

This is what will happen to you MARK.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whatevar I LIKE! =P

So what the banana dance?!!
Check out this Obama(FAKE xP) that RAPS larhh!

Hahaha! Obama blow u Down chris!! Wayyyy DOWN;P
Not insulting tze runn! But he looks like u alot!! especially the skin tone!
Wahahaha! Beat that chris! NOOB~~~
'L' --> Loser!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Click to enlarge!

PS: Yes, yes, YES, that's cyy's convo, but THE PERSON WHO IM TALKING TO IS HER BRO!
PSS : Incase you still don't understand, her bro is using HER ACC to MSG ME.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Stupid dog

Damn mark to hell for posting such a lame video. so what if she can dance and rap?!

This banana can dance way better then her!

or sing better then her :

Want more?? Here's a version of Chris Lim dancing!! :

No offence lol

And Mark too! :


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stressed ain't a Matter to BLOGGERS!

Exams this week.. Aiks!
But still have to update the blog! xD

Oh yarrr. Thanks to Shi Xian.
He have made us realised that teens need to have blog too!

Check out the link! Even the LaoZharBo HAVE a Blog and a Video in Youtube!
Damn rare ! Even my grandparents don't rap like her!
She deserved the respect! Seriously! xD

Due to exam's week, the blog might not be update in this week.
But not to worry we'll update the blog as fast as possible! xD
And Good Luck to everyone in SMKBU3 that's having exam this week!! =P

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Virgin Post

  • Looks like a dog
  • SHORTEST (among the 4)
  • Bloody noisy
  • Likes to sing
  • Not very good at singing
  • Likes to play basketball
  • Not very good at basketball
  • Run as fast a bloody escargot
  • Easily FOOLED
  • Fav phrase " I don't give a damn no more", "Zhe Pro Iz Back-ke!", "Yi-Teh??", "Zzzz" etc
  • Also known as Chris Chuah (chris chua idea)
  • Very good looking NOT
  • TDbnH ( tall, dark, but not handsome )
  • His ass absorb light ( just like the blackhole )
  • His shit repels light ( unknown substance )
  • Despo for life
  • Loves to play basketball
  • Emo 24/7, just add water!
  • Potong stimmer
  • Fav phrase "NO! I want to SHUT DOWN!", " =.=", "emm" etc

  • Skinny
  • Has a secret drawer located inside his mouth
  • Loves to shuffle while playing basketball
  • Short ( but taller then Mark )
  • Bad taste in everything ( LOL )
  • Take his sirname and add a "ai" and that's how you call him
  • Fav phrase "Go home la u", "wtf", "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...diu","yep yep!!", " hahha, okie "etc
  • Has the most common sense among the four
  • Has a volcano face ( Much Much better then last year xP )
  • Loves to play basketball
  • Like Miley Cyrus a lot. Always admit that he's her BF ( Dumb and immature ) xD
  • Likes to wax his hair a lot ( Hate to admit ) But look better then the four of us ( Haiz..)
  • Like to tease people as if he's perfect ( LOL )
  • Fav phrase 'Where's the pen?! Dam noisy la Markho', 'NiggaFaggot'
  • Known as Yoshi ( Mario )
  • Lost the most weight among the 4
  • Can open his eyes to a maximum radius of 3mm
  • Likes to eat
  • Favorite activity : Breakfast, lunch, Hi-Tea, Tea, Dinner, Supper, Hi-Supper
  • Favorite pastime : Breakfast, lunch, Hi-Tea, Tea, Dinner, Supper, Hi-Supper
  • Enjoys : Breakfast, lunch, Hi-Tea, Tea, Dinner, Supper, Hi-Supper
  • Hobby : Breakfast, lunch, Hi-Tea, Tea, Dinner, Supper, Hi-Supper
  • Can conduct photosynthesis if extreme lack of food
  • Fav phrase " Can eat ah?", "xia ke liao mei you?", "You belanja ah?", "NO WORR", "SHOCKEDED sia", "sien, hungry edi" etc